company news

Chairman Wang Xiquan accompanied Vice Governor Li Wei and Deputy Mayor Zhang Tianhua to Beijing to visit Three Gorges New Energy Co., Ltd. to discuss cooperation plans

In order to further deepen the cooperation between the central and local governments and improve the effectiveness of the investment promotion activities of central enterprises in helping Jilin revitalize and develop, on February 23, Vice Governor Li Wei, Deputy Mayor Zhang Tianhua, and Chairman Wang Xiquan went to Beijing to visit Vice President Liu Zi of Three Gorges New Energy Co., Ltd. Manager, started the docking of key cooperation projects between Three Gorges New Energy Co., Ltd. and Chenglai Electric Technology Co., Ltd.    


Chairman Wang Xiquan accompanied Vice Governor Li Wei and Vice Mayor Zhang Tianhua to Beijing to visit Sanxia New Energy Co., Ltd.   Negotiate cooperation work plan            In order to further deepen the cooperation between the central and local governments and improve the effectiveness of the investment promotion activities of central enterprises in helping Jilin revitalize and develop, on February 23, Vice Governor Li Wei, Deputy Mayor Zhang Tianhua, and Chairman Wang Xiquan went to Beijing to visit Vice President Liu Zi of Three Gorges New Energy Co., Ltd. Manager, started the docking of key cooperation projects between Three Gorges New Energy Co., Ltd. and Chenglai Electric Technology Co., Ltd.    

"Sungrow" supplier qualification review team visited our company for supplier qualification review

On September 28, the "Sungrow Power" supplier qualification review team came to our company for supplier qualification review. 成来电气科技有限公司

Director Yin of Jilin Provincial Market Supervision and Management Department visited our company for inspection

On October 16, Director Yin of Jilin Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Department visited our company to inspect the construction of "Jilin Province Advanced Manufacturing and Modern Service Industry Integrated Development Standardization Pilot Enterprise".

Chairman Du Yanqiu of the Baicheng City Federation of Trade Unions visited our company to guide the construction of the trade union

On October 15th, Chairman Du Yanqiu of the Baicheng City Federation of Trade Unions visited our company to guide the construction of the trade union and inspect the "Lean Management Improvement" project.

Chenglai Electric Technology Co., Ltd. was rated as an outstanding private enterprise in Jilin Province

Chenglai Electric Technology Co., Ltd. has always been committed to becoming a first-class supplier in the field of power transmission and transformation equipment and building a "100-year-old Chenglai" brand. Since its establishment 50 years ago, under the guidance of government departments at all levels, in line with the spirit of defying difficulties, pioneering and innovating, serving the society, it has become a leading enterprise in the industry in our county. Its business performance ranks in the forefront of the country. Lai Electric Technology Co., Ltd. was rated as outstanding private enterprise in Jilin Province.  

Three Gorges New Energy signed a cooperation framework agreement with Zhenlai County, Jilin Province

On September 17, Three Gorges New Energy signed the "Cooperation Framework Agreement" with the Zhenlai County People's Government in Jilin. According to the agreement, the two parties will carry out in-depth cooperation on new energy development and industrial chain layout.   Wu Jingkai, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Three Gorges New Energy, Zhao Guoqing, Deputy Secretary and General Manager of the Party Committee, Zhao Nan, Deputy Secretary of the Zhenlai County Party Committee and County Mayor, and Wang Xiquan, Chairman of Chenglai Electric Technology Co., Ltd. attended the signing ceremony.   Through strategic investment, Three Gorges New Energy reached a cooperation with Chenglai Electric Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chenglai Electric), a leading enterprise in the new energy equipment manufacturing industry in Zhenlai County, to make equity investment in Chenglai Electric, forming a strategic synergy for Chenglai Electric The rapid growth of the main business of Technology Co., Ltd. has jointly promoted the IPO process of Chenglai Electric, and provided guarantee for local economic development.     Wu Jingkai, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Three Gorges New Energy, and Zhao Guoqing, Deputy Secretary and General Manager of the Party Committee, visited Chenglai Electric Technology Co., Ltd. for inspection.

Commonly used mine explosion-proof electrical appliances series

1. Commonly used mine electrical equipment   Commonly used mining electrical equipment includes vacuum switches, transformers, lighting signals and electric drill comprehensive protection devices.   Explosion-proof electrical equipment for mine

How many types of explosion-proof electrical equipment for mines include

Mine electrical equipment is divided into two categories, general electrical equipment and mine explosion-proof electrical equipment.   General mine electrical equipment is a non-explosion-proof electrical equipment used in coal mines. It can only be used in underground mines where there is no danger of gas and coal dust explosion. The basic requirements are: the shell is strong and closed, which can prevent direct contact and live parts from the outside; it is drip-proof, splash-proof and moisture-proof; it has a cable entry device and can prevent the cable from twisting, unplugging and damage; switching handles and doors There are interlocking devices between the covers.   There is a clear permanent embossed mark "KY" on the obvious places of the casing of general mine electrical equipment.   According to different explosion-proof requirements, mine explosion-proof electrical equipment is mainly divided into mine explosion-proof type, mine-increased safety type, mine-used intrinsic safety type, mine-used positive pressure type, mine-used sand-filled type, mine-used encapsulation type and Airtight type for mines, etc.   Mine explosion-proof electrical appliances series   1. Explosion-proof electrical equipment for mine   The so-called explosion-proof means that the live parts of electrical equipment are placed in a special shell, which has the function of isolating the sparks and arcs generated by the electrical parts in the shell from the explosive mixture outside the shell, and can withstand the explosive mixture entering the shell The explosion pressure generated when the electrical equipment in the shell is detonated by sparks and arcs, while the shell is not destroyed, and at the same time, it can prevent the explosion products in the shell from spreading to the explosive mixture outside the shell. This special enclosure is called a flameproof enclosure. Electrical equipment with flameproof enclosures is called flameproof electrical equipment.   2. Increased safety electrical equipment for mines   The explosion-proof principle of increased-safety electrical equipment is: for those mine electrical equipment that do not produce arcs, sparks and dangerous temperatures under normal operating conditions, in order to improve their safety, the structure, manufacturing process and technical conditions of the equipment A series of measures have been taken to avoid sparks, arcs and dangerous temperatures under operating and overload conditions, and to achieve electrical explosion protection. Increased safety electrical equipment is based on the original technical conditions of electrical equipment, and certain measures have been taken to improve its safety, but it does not mean that this electrical equipment has better explosion-proof performance than other types of explosion-proof electrical equipment. The degree of safety performance of increased-safety electrical equipment depends not only on the structure of the equipment itself, but also on the maintenance of the equipment's operating environment. The electrical equipment that can be made into increased-safety electrical equipment is only those electrical equipment that does not produce arcs, sparks and overheating during normal operation, such as transformers, motors, and lighting fixtures.   3. Intrinsically safe electrical equipment for mines   The principle of explosion protection of intrinsically safe electrical equipment is to limit the spark discharge energy and heat energy of the circuit by restricting various parameters of the electrical equipment circuit, or taking protective measures, so that the electric spark and the electric spark generated under normal operation and specified fault conditions No thermal effect can ignite the explosive mixture in the surrounding environment, thus realizing electrical explosion-proof. The circuit of this kind of electrical equipment has explosion-proof performance, that is, it is "essentially" safe, so it is called intrinsically safe type (hereinafter referred to as intrinsically safe type). Electrical equipment using intrinsically safe circuits is called intrinsically safe electrical equipment.   4. Positive pressure electrical equipment   The explosion-proof principle of positive pressure electrical equipment is: put the electrical equipment in the shell, there is no flammable gas release source in the shell; fill the shell with protective gas, and make the pressure of the protective gas in the shell higher than the surrounding explosive environment In order to prevent the external explosive mixture from entering the shell and realize the explosion-proof of electrical equipment.   The sign of positive pressure type electrical equipment is "p", and the full name of the sign is "Expl".   5. Sand-filled electrical equipment for mines   The explosion-proof principle of sand-filled electrical equipment is: filling the shell of the electrical equipment with quartz sand, burying the conductive part

The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions promoted the implementation of the Jilin Province Lean Craftsman Demonstration Project and carefully created the "model" of Baicheng

  7月23日,吉林省精益工匠示范单位建设项目(成来电气)启动大会在镇赉举行。 市人大常委会副主任、市总工会主席叶静波在启动大会上讲话。 市总工会副主席柏惠山,镇赉县人大常委会副主任、县总工会主席张胜利等市县两级工会领导和精益管理提升项目签约双方企业代表参加启动大会。 镇赉县政府副县长邰国文主持会议。 成来电气公司和吉林东瑞公司的代表分别在会上发言。 会上,成来电气科技有限公司与吉林东瑞精益管理咨询有限公司,双方就落实精益工匠示范单位建设项目签约培训合同。 会后,叶静波到企业劳模创新工作室、职工生产车间和职工宿舍等地进行了实地查看,并了解了职工岗位技术创新、生产生活、业余文化等情况。 吉林省精益工匠培育示范项目,是吉林省总工会推进产业工人队伍建设改革的创新之举和努力建设知识型、技能型、创新型劳动者大军的具体探索。通过创新培训模式,实现由培训个人向培训企业团队转变;由课堂培训向打造精益样板企业转变。 由老国有企业改制而来的成来电气科技有限公司(简称成来电气),是一家集科研、设计、生产、销售和维修于一体的高新技术企业。截至今年6月末,成来电气与国内多家大型发电集团签订合同2.8亿元,较上年同期增长356%;完成产值1.14亿元,较上年同期增长243%;销售收入8000余万元,较上年同期增长152%。作为镇赉民营经济的明星企业,拉齐“产品智能”优先“管理智能”的短板,一直是企业管理寻求突破的“瓶颈”,省市县工会推动吉林省精益工匠培育示范基地的落地实施,为面临上市关键期的成来电气开出了一剂“良方”。加之今年7月初,成来电气到长春参观了精益管理实际运行成果后,深受鼓舞。启动大会上,公司董事长、省劳模王喜权动情地说,工会“娘家人”送来的这场精益管理提升的“及时雨”,无论是工作思路的精细设计,还是培训团队的紧密衔接,都坚定了我们做强企业的信心,做精企业的决心。 隶属于东北工业集团的吉林东瑞精益管理咨询有限公司,是成来电气实现精益管理提升的培训核心。自合同签定一年内,他们将结合企业实际,开展精益生产、安全管理、经营指标改善等方面培训,推进精益知识的传递、转化和指导,帮助企业提升现场基础管理,规范和完善生产线作业、生产计划体系,建立职能部门对生产支持的课题和成本改善机制,及自我改善的工作机制。 围绕精益管理提升,实现全员成长,成来电气职工群情激动、满怀信心。看着精益管理培训团队入驻企业,看着项目合同的签订生效,坐在会场的职工们由衷的发出了雷鸣般掌声。“推进精益管理需要全员智慧,只有全员融入精益管理,以实干获得精益,才能实现行业领先的企业梦想。”吉林东瑞精益管理咨询有限公司总工程师张世超签约前的一席话,一石激起千层浪,让成来电气职工眼中的精益管理提升不再是要完成的一项绩效考核指标,而是形成全员参与、全员提升,实现幸福感、获得感最大化的一次质的跨越。  培育精益精神,将精益生产的“火种”形成“燎原”之势。今年,市总工会扎实推进吉林省精益工匠示范项目落地,率先选定成来电气等2家企业,全力打造白城“样板”,同时助力企业培育一支懂精益、用精益、拥有高技能的职工人才队伍。 叶静波在启动大会上指出,一要充分整合资源,打造精益工匠人才培养品牌。通过培育想创新、敢创新、勇创新的企业,叫响做实“精益工匠示范单位”的白城品牌;二要努力创新合作,拓宽精益工匠人才培训内容。引导各级工会借助精益工匠培育示范项目这一平台,激励产业工人技能成才,培育更多工匠人才;三要突出重点环节,构建产业工人技能提升形成体系。加大培养力度,完善培训制度,拓宽职业发展空间,提高待遇水平,完善培养、评价、使用、激励、保障等举措,充分激发技术工人的积极性、主动性、创造性。             (组宣部、经济部)
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